Sunday, 19 January 2014

Analysis of Exsiting Magazine Titles

These are masthead magazine titles I have decided to analyse. As you can see, I have not only just decided to choose magazine titles from my own genre (Popular Music) I have chosen others in order to see a contrast.

'V' magazine is a spin-off of 'Visionaire' (an exclusive fashion magazine full of clothing and accessories middle class people are unable to get hold of or afford). I believe 'V' magazine is effective because it supplies fashion for a wider audience. The use of a simple letter could connote that everything in the magazine is simply laid out and easy to read. The magazine's from 'V' I have chosen to preview on this post their font colours are pink and red. The use of pink could perhaps connote that the magazine's target audience is females and the use of red could connote a lot of passionate articles in the magazine which readers are intrigued to read. I think the idea of pink and red as a colour for a magazine title is intelligent because it simply tells the reader that the magazine is mainly aimed at females if males are considering buying it. 
'GQ' magazine is shortened from Gentleman's Quarterly. I like the idea that the title has been simplified because it is easier to remember this way. The font is bold, suggesting that the magazine or magazine title is important. The use of black on this magazine connotes mystery and depth. These connotations suggest that the magazine is full of exciting things which the readers may not be expecting. By featuring 'man' in the title suggests the magazine is for males. 
'Clash', 'billboard', 'spin' and 'Vibe' magazine look fresh. Although they are different fonts, the boldness of 'GQ', 'Clash' and 'billboard's' fonts suggests again their importance and that it should be noticed. By 'billboard's' magazine title not being in capitals is effective as it is informal for their audience therefore it is more personal to them, making them wanting to read on in the magazine. The white colour of all the titles connote success, freshness and goodness. This could suggest that the magazine is successful and contains fresh and truthful articles therefore the use of font and colour for this magazine title is effective for their look.
'NME' is different. The font is bold, suggesting it's importance. However, the magazine title has created something different here. The use of black, white and red connotes intensity, importance and power. This is effective because the colour stands out therefore keeps readers on alert for important information. All of these colours together are effective because they compliment each other well and they are appealing. The use of capitals in the title suggests the magazine is loud, busy and has a voice. This is effective as it gets across the genre of the magazine (Pop/Rock) as this music genre is usually noticeable.
Lastly, 'Pop' magazine is interesting. The font is graffiti-like. This is effective because it suggests this magazine is aimed at the rebellious and younger audience. The font is also effective as I would assume graffiti-like font would apply to rap/r&b magazine genres not pop therefore it suggests rebellion in the magazine. The use of black makes the title stand out and this is effective as it is difficult to miss. The black outlining the title connotes power and this is effective as it could suggest it is better than other magazines. From this magazine title image I think the magazine title is then repeatedly written inside the main 'Pop' title. If this is the case, it is very effective as it again suggests the magazine's importance and that readers should remember the name. The use of white complimenting the black text within the magazine title connotes goodness and simplicity. This is effective as it could suggest to readers that the magazine is laid out simple and not over complicated and also provides truthful articles inside. The idea that there is not really a gender colour supporting the magazine title suggests it is aimed at both genders and this is effective as it appeals to a wider audience.

By analysing magazine titles from my own music genre allows me to think about what makes a successful magazine logo. Popular music magazines such as 'Spin', 'V' and 'Billboard' allow me to do this. As you can see, these magazines have used a bold text in order for their magazine to stand out. This is effective as they stand out against the contrasting background.
The majority of magazine titles are short and simple. This is effective as readers are more likely to remember them and also they look better on the cover. Magazine titles such as 'V' are mostly effective as you can do a lot with them such as the artist on the cover holding it. 
Many magazines change the colour of their magazine title after every issue. This is effective because the colours can be used to compliment the other colours on the page.
From analysing magazine titles I can infer that using bold fonts stand out more than regular fonts and using contrasting colours draws the readers in. 


  1. You're going to need some extra detail about the connotations of these names Molly. Otherwise very good.

  2. I reflected on this comment and decided to add the improvements of extra detail of connotations of the magazine titles.
