Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Favourite Magazine Analysis and Potential Problems

When analysing magazine covers, contents pages and double page spreads, I can now identify which magazine is my favourite and why. I have decided that 'Spin' magazine is my favourite magazine. I decided on this magazine being my favourite due to a variety of reasons:

Magazine Title
The magazine title for 'Spin' magazine is intriguing. I like the idea of the title being quite short because you can do a lot with it and not have to worry about it taking up too much space on the cover or in the magazine. 
The magazine cover I analysed was perfect for this magazine title because it contained a main image of Frank Ocean in a blurred vision. This went with 'Spin' very well as it did look like he was spinning. The irony of the image and title is entertaining here. 
The red box behind the title is effective as it compliments the white writing well and makes it stand out more.
I like the idea of 'Spin magazine title being in capitals because it looks important and makes a statement.
The white writing is effective because it makes their magazines look modern and up-to-date. 

Simple magazines are my favourite. This is because they do not look over complicated therefore are easier to read. By creating a magazine which is simplistic allows the magazine to appeal to a wider range audience because more people will be able to read it without any hassle. I also like simple magazines because I believe they look more appealing and professional. 

Colour Pallet
The use of colour is interesting. The use of black and white is positive because it means the magazine appeals to a wider audience not just one such as males. I believe black and white makes the magazine look modern and also black and white is equal therefore nobody should have a problem with it. I'm not a great fan of the colour red however on the front cover of 'Spin' magazine it works well because the background of the magazine title matches Frank Ocean's headband/bandana. Over I like the colour pallet because it's simple and I also like the idea of one colour standing out. This is something I am considering in my own magazine.

Main Focal Image's
The main focal images in the magazine are effective throughout. I think this because it splits up the ratio of text and images. Because there is a lot of images means that the magazine could apply to a wider audience (to those who do not enjoy reading such as the younger generation) however the magazine could still apply to those who enjoy to read as it still contains a lot of writing. Main images make articles and front covers stand out from the magazines around them.

The layout of the magazine is great. The contents page is set out clearly making it easier for readers to go from one page to another without any confusion. They can find what they are looking for simply. The double page spread I analysed too is effective. The article's text has been set out in columns to ensure readers can read the article without any problems. 

Overall, i think the magazine appeals to me a lot is because of it's simplicity. It looks individual and stands out from the crowd of other over the top magazines. Simplistic is all it has to be to get my attention. Busy magazines discourage me and I do not want my magazine to be over complicated.

Considering all of the features which appeal to me from this magazine I can now think about any problems which I can foresee in trying to create a magazine like this.
Firstly, keeping my magazine layout simplistic. I believe I could have a problem with this because I may have too many ideas and get carried away, therefore I need to keep my 25 word pitch in mind throughout creating my magazine. 
Secondly, having a photogenic and look-the-part model. As you can see from my magazine analysis' all of the artists on the cover fit the part and look very experienced. However, because I am just an A-level student I may struggle with finding a perfect model. To fit the part, my model needs to have experience and fit into the 'Popular Music' genre. Luckily for me, my model is perfect for the part. 
Next, sustaining easy to read but effective fonts. I believe font's need to look like my chosen genre, however finding perfect fonts could be difficult therefore I need to be careful about which fonts I use.
Lastly, I need to consider my colour palette also. Using too many colours could destroy the simplistic magazine I am hoping to achieve and it could potentially look to busy, therefore I need to choose my colours carefully just like my fonts.

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