Sunday 19 January 2014

Analysis of Fonts

These are my chosen fonts I am considering for my magazine cover, contents page and double page spread. I have chosen there fonts mainly because they are all quite simple to read yet they are quite quirky. The fonts are in no popularity order.
The top six fonts featured have been considered for anything on the magazine but mainly mastheads or cover lines. This is because the fonts stand out a lot, they are easy to read and the font sizes represent (whatever has been written) there importance. I have chosen these fonts because they are all different and also are not boring so readers and audiences will not be discouraged away from them. The idea that they are quirky matches my chosen music genre (Popular Music) as I believe popular music should be original and quirky.
The last four fonts have been considered for main articles. These are effective as they leave a modern effect and are also easy to read.

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